Welcome to Abbey Mead /June 2020 / Letter 23
Dear Friends of Abbey Mead,
I hope that you and yours are well and adhering to healthy best practices such as social distancing and wearing masks as together we survive this Age of Covid 19. This, too, shall pass.
As I mentioned before, my Library Author Events have been cancelled until the local libraries are reopened. Stay tuned…
Still staying close to home? May I suggest the comforts of a good book and a glass of wine…
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Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Official Cover Release: Book 3: The Lady’s Wish
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Fun Dates in June:
June 1 / Baby Boomers Recognition Day! / It’s all about us!
June 6 / Yo-Yo Day / the birthday of Donald Duncan / founder of Duncan Toys / he did not invent the yo-yo / he manufactured them
June 13 / National Rosé Wine Day /
June 18 / Battle of Waterloo in 1815 / a certain book references this historic military conflict that occurred 205 years ago / Wellington vs. Napoleon / will a certain character survive the battle?
June 20 / Summer Solstice /
June 24 / World UFO Day / We are not alone… (cue the Twilight Zone theme)
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PS: Past Abbey Mead newsletters can be found on my website: www.audreyabbottauthor.com .
PPS: Questions? Comments? Drop me a line at: audreyabbottauthor@gmail.com
PPPS: If you liked The Lady’s Desire and/or The Lady’s Prayer, please consider writing a review on Amazon or Goodreads. Or tell a friend! Reviews – especially good ones – are verra much appreciated by William and Anne and above all by me! Thanks!!!
PPPPS: Copies of The Lady’s Desire and The Lady’s Prayer may also be available at your local library (once they reopen!). Check it out!
PPPPPS: Be safe and stay healthy. And pray for our amazing healthcare workers.
Always, Audrey